Key Products and Services

So you lost a key? Put your Push-to-Start key through the wash? Broke an OEM remote? Everyone does it. We can help you replace or fix it. Stop by and we can help you figure out what you’ll need.

Our Products & Services

* all prices are PST & GST included.



Chipped Key $30, tax inc.
FOB, Keyless Remote $70, tax inc.
FOBIK – Dodge $100, tax inc.
Integrated FOB and Key*, starting at: $90, tax inc.
Push-to-Start Key*, starting at: $170, tax inc.
Key Cut, high security $70, tax inc.
Key Cut, regular $10, tax inc.
Scan Tool Programming $70, tax inc.
FOBIK Rebuilding $50, tax inc.
Gateway Access Fee $50, tax inc.
All Keys Lost, starting at: $100, tax inc.

* most North American keys



Radio Replacement $150, tax inc.
Add Backup Camera $150, tax inc.
Add an Amp $200, tax inc.

* parts not included